Ethical Responsibility - Vertex Packaging


Vertex Packaging is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct. We pride ourselves on our uncompromising values and integrity wherever we operate. At Vertex Packaging, we place principle over profit. Professional ethics supersede all financial and other considerations.


Vertex Packaging takes client confidentiality seriously. We recognize that our clients’ confidential information is a valuable asset that must be protected. Vertex will not disclose to third parties any designs, business plans, or other information deemed confidential, without the client’s express authorization. With the client’s consent, Vertex will only disclose information that is reasonably necessary for the third parties and will limit any disclosure to those with a clear need to know who have agreed to abide by a written confidentiality agreement.

Ethical Responsibility - Vertex Packaging
Corporate Social Responsibility - Vertex Packaging

Community Support

Vertex Packaging and the Sino-Latin Group are pround sponsors of the Burned Children Care Foundation (APROQUEN). The Burned Children Care Foundation provides free, specialized, comprehensive care to children in Central America suffering from burns and their consequences.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Vertex Packaging
Environmental Responsibility - Vertex Packaging

Sustainable Packaging

Vertex Packaging aids its clients in developing alternative packaging goods that better serve the environment. We strongly believe that environmental responsibility can be in perfect tune with a corporation’s financial objectives. Transitioning to more environmentally conscious packaging can often reduce production costs, enhance brand awareness, improve product usability, and minimize transportation expenses. By employing environmentally friendly materials and innovative designs, Vertex provides packaging solutions that are beautiful, functional, and environmentally responsible.

Environmental Responsibility - Vertex Packaging

Vertex Packaging’s offices are located at:

Vertex Packaging
Sino-Latin Group
1168 Nanjing West Road
CITIC Square, 42/F
Shanghai 200041

Vertex Packaging
Sino-Latin Group
1168 Nanjing West Road
CITIC Square, 42/F
Shanghai 200041

    Vertex Packaging fosters a fast-paced, multicultural work environment that values and rewards employee commitment and contributions. We offer you the opportunity to develop your professional skills and be actively engaged in the company’s growth. Whether you help design our products or manage our supply chain, you will have the opportunity to challenge yourself and create real value for world-class companies around the globe.

    Vertex packaging periodically has openings for professionals versed in graphic and industrial design, industrial engineering, quality assurance and quality control, supply chain management, procurement, sales, and marketing.

    If you are interested in a position at Vertex Packaging and wish to be considered for future job openings, please submit your cover letter and contact information using the form below.